About the Bike Lab
The Bike Lab is an ongoing project of Totally Doable Consulting, where we use the bicycle as a tool to examine the social and political dynamics of the city, and the relationship of cycling to ethnic and racial justice.
I encourage advocates to understand that top-down infrastructural planning carries risks of replicating the social exclusions of the freeway era, and I challenge city planners to foreground equity in their community engagement processes.
The Bike Lab began as a field research project which formed part of my thesis work in the Urban Studies program at UC Berkeley. My current interests are in supporting organizations who also use the bicycle to accomplish their goals around community and youth development.
The project’s name, and some of its premises, were inspired by Steve Zavestoski (University of San Francisco), co-editor of “Incomplete Streets.” It is also heavily influenced by the work of the mobility justice movement, including authors such as Adonia Lugo, Tamika Butler, Melody Hoffman, and John Stehlin.
The Bike Lab’s work was supported by the Judith Lee Stronach Travel Award, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley.