Cycling and community

It was interesting to contrast the ride I did with folks from the Oakland Library last week, with the Fourth Fridays in the Park event with Rich City Rides.

Fourth Fridays in the Park

Rich City has been organizing Fourth Fridays for a few months now, and last week they were celebrating Rich City’s seventh anniversary. I went up to check out the scene, which was a lot of fun on a beautiful August evening. There were food booths, Jennifer’s Mobile Lush Bar, a live DJ and dance performances. Most of the people there were folks who I’d previously met on rides with the group.

Fourth Fridays in the Park

Najari, Nakari and Taye talked about how important Rich City has been to them, and it got me thinking about how this event was sort of an inversion of last week’s library ride. The librarians are using the bicycle to extend the physical community space of the library out into the streets. Rich City used the bicycle to create a community out in the streets, and on Fourth Fridays they bring it back into a physical space.

Fourth Fridays in the Park

Keep up the good work.


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